Why we're Different

The primary Preppie difference is our focus. We specialize in working with students from socio-economic disadvantaged backgrounds, who might be the first in their immediate family to attend college. We focus on serving the often overlooked and underserved… Kids from the hood… kids from the reservation… kids from the barrio… kids from the country… kids who may not have an amazing GPA.

We employ a very relatable approach to counseling and advising so that students don’t feel intimidated or discouraged. Our method encourages students to engage and feel inspired to pursue their academic dreams.

We believe that all students should have an opportunity to attend college, not just the highest academic achievers or those who can pay for it. We are not interested in charging families thousands of dollars to get their kids into ivy league schools. We offer affordable consulting and resources that help students on a journey to a better life.

A teacher helps a student with a physics assignment.

Benefits of
Shelly School

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Awesome Tutuors

Morbi vel augue et metus pellentesque lacinia eu non odio.

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Best Programm

Pelleneget tespharetra que fringilla egugue id eget pharetra.

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Global Certificate

Etiam risus neque, volutpat vel laoreet a, finibus volutpa.

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Students Support

Etiam risus neque, volutpat vel laoreet a, finibus volutpa.

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